About me

Name: Faida
Birthday: August 12
Birth Place: Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Current Residency: USA
Favorite Number: 9
Favorite Foods: Indian and Tanzanian!
Favorite Snacks/Candy: Chocolate all day 🍫
Favorite Quote: "Emancipate yourself from mental slavery, none but ourselves can free our minds" -Bob Marley
Visited: Connecticut, New York, D.C., New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Texas, California (U.S.)
Manchester, Mildenhall, London (England)
Dodoma, Bagamoyo, Dar es salaam, Zanzibar (Tanzania)
Thailand, Singapore, Japan (Asia)
Interests: writing, spoken word, exercise, travel, painting, culture, learning, and holistic living
Languages: English (Advanced fluency), Swahili (Intermediate fluency) and Korean (Beginner level)
My Philosophy on life: In a nutshell, because I have many philosophies, I see myself not particularly as a citizen of any one country but one of this world and we all have a shared responsibility to make positive contributions to this large yet intimate community that we live in. The purpose here is to simply share my thoughts, experiences, and interests with anyone open to read.
Phaidreams: My nickname is Phai (always been the easiest for people to remember) and I'm an enthusiast in following your dreams and manifesting them into a reality; hence, the incorporation of the name along with my personal dreams and aspirations. Right now I'm pursuing my dream of serving in the Military (based in South Korea at the moment). Hope you enjoy reading!
Although I share weight loss and beauty advice in some of my posts, please be advised that I do not claim to be a licensed esthetician nor a medical professional. All advice found on this site are general and primarily based on personal experiences. Further more, most of the information shared here can be found and researched online and/or through published work. These are my personal opinions and I am not to be held liable for any self-diagnosis and/or injuries that may occur. I advice to please consult with your primary care physician first, especially before following a diet plan or an exercise regime.