It has been about a year since I last updated this page!! I can't believe how quickly time has passed. A lot has changed and I have changed a lot also, as expected...right? Since living in Korea, I have consumed more meat in these past 7 months than I would normally have in one year. Not that I'm vegetarian by any means but the AMOUNT of meat served in restaurants is appalling to me personally. In Korea, public schools usually have "teacher meetings" which are basically dinners where all or most teachers get together, including other staff and the Principal and Vice Principal. It is a way to bond with each other, welcome new teachers, or wish a farewell to those leaving and moving on. I love these dinners! I love Korean BBQ and the way Korean restaurants are set up make it difficult or almost impossible for a person to eat alone. These are the only opportunities I get to enjoy BBQ unless I'm with friends.
Between these dinners, eating street food from vendors, like delighting myself in a super oily famous Korean pastry called Hoddeak, my diet has been on an upward and downward scale of unhealthy. I want to go back to when I was and felt more in charge of my health. I haven't gained much weight because I walk everywhere and occasionally go to the gym, which I also have to walk to, but I want to feel better and healthier. My skin has also suffered from my semi-poor diet. With that said, I've started cooking again everyday and planning my meals. I've also gone back to juicing/making smoothies to replace snacking and help control cravings to get rid of my now self proclaimed Hoddeak addiction. Lately I prepare and eat vegan meals and drink a large smoothie throughout the day. It's been 2 weeks of clean eating and I already feel a huge difference in how light I feel and my improved mental clarity. My digestion is great, I sleep better, and feel more energized throughout the day and my waist is shrinking from reduced water weight that kept me bloated most of the time. This clean eating has inspired me to attempt a full raw diet to FULLY detox and cleanse/reduce my system of toxins. Starting April, I plan on going raw and consuming ONLY fruits and vegetables in whole and/or juiced and nuts sometimes. I will take it week by week. I know I can successfully complete 1.5 weeks with minimal complaints but finishing the second week going into the third (my ultimate goal) will take some serious will power and discipline. |
March 2014
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