Despite the comfort we get from our daily routines and the balance life offers us from having structure, the inevitable still is uncertain. We get reminded of that usually in times of crisis, loss, tragedy, and other varied circumstances (love, finances, time, etc.). It has been a year since I last posted under this tab, not because my dreams have changed but because my life has changed. I haven't had time in the last 9 months, since leaving the United States, to think about my dreams because I am currently LIVING my dream, at least in the time being. My dream was to leave my comfort zone, learn to live a life with fewer attachments, seek something different outside of the American dream; so I packed my bags to start a life somewhere unfamiliar and new, and to continue my growth in self discovery. I am always writing about how much I value and seek personal growth. Am I happy right now? YES. Is that my ultimate goal in life no matter the decision? YES. Do I want to leave Korea? YES and NO. Uncertainty always comes and goes so I'd much rather focus on the now. In life, we're often bombarded with ideas of what we should be and how we should live. The value of our life feels depreciated if we don't know what we want so we make choices for the sake of making a choice. There are those of us who make choices on lifestyles that align with what we're "supposed" to do, serve the purpose of "stability", and who coast while trying to "figure" things out. Most of us, including myself, have chosen one or two while considering the other. What if you chose none of the above to follow your dream(s)? Whenever I'm in full need of peace and tranquility, I imagine myself somewhere tropical or warm surrounded by a body of water (if I can't physically be there). Water brings me to my center; when life keeps me busy and thoughts keep me cluttered. I've always joked around that I must've been a fish in a past life if I were one to believe and follow the teachings of reincarnation. Water calms me and it sometimes gives me clarity, which allows me to reflect on the true matters of my heart, like happiness and freedom. I encourage you to also find your center, your go-to place that can give you that calmness you may desperately desire.
March 2014
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